Our journey began in 2014, after going to OUR first paint lesson at a shop 90 mins away. I went with two friends, one of them LIVED with her phone in her hand, could not turn it off, because of always being "on call." During our 3 hour experience, she didn't touch her phone ONCE and I had never seen that happen before. On top of that, we all had a fantastic time and cute paintings to show for it. Walking to the car, I told them "I need to open a shop that does this. I dunno how to paint, but I'll figure it out." We drove home, I showed my husband my finished piece and said the same thing to him, and he simply said "okay!" So for 18 months, I would sit at the dinner table at night after the kids went to bed, and learn how to paint. Then in 2016, it was time to pull the trigger and open up a shop, in a town that didn't know what the "Paint and Sip" concept of entertainment was. From day one of opening, we have had nothing but success, quickly outgrowing our first tiny shop of 700 sqft, to our now huge and BEAUTIFUL space of 5000sq ft. Part of our dream is to grow the business by relationships: remembering your name, remembering your seat and drink preference, remembering where you work and what makes you giggle while you're stressed out trying to paint something new. The other part is to expand into several divisions of the company, beginning with the Craft and Sip sector. You'll find several of our projects available on our shelves that fit into this category. Come on in, meet us and let's have some fun together!
Our shop is separated into ten brightly colored sections, each one designated for a specific type of experience: Animals, Kids paintings, Coming Soon, Easy/Beginner/Too Much Wine, Date Night, Seasonal, Craft and Sip/DIY Projects, Presketched and the list goes on!
Our gallery is 5000 sqft of BEAUTIFUL color and vibrant ideas! There's genuinely something for everyone in here! What's in here for you?